Frequently asked

Frequently asked questions
Chatting with the experts
Take a few minutes to eavesdrop on Dr Peter Williams and Dr Isabelle Granger-Cohet as they discuss hair restoration procedures and answer frequently asked questions. For more FAQs, scroll down.
And if you’ve still got questions, get in touch.
How long does a hair transplant take?
Is a hair transplant permanent?
Can I have more than one?
Does A Hair Transplant Hurt? What Can I Expect After A Hair Transplant?
Your questions, answered
Is treatment right for me?
That’s a big question, and difficult to answer. Your personal, physiological and physical circumstances will determine the best course of action. Your age, the degree of your hair loss; the condition of your scalp; your health; and even your stress levels could all be accelerating the problem. Every person and every head of hair is unique. That means every case Kensington Hair Clinic takes needs meticulous consideration and a clear, bespoke plan of action. That’s our promise.
Will the new hair be susceptible to hair loss in the same way?
No, the donor hair is transplanted from locations on the scalp that are not susceptible to hair loss as they do not have androgen receptors.
What if I’ve already had hair restoration treatment that didn’t work?
Thanks to rapid advancements in hair restoration techniques and technology, today’s results are far superior to what was available even a few years ago. We see lots of patients who’ve had previous treatments, either in the UK or abroad, and, after a quick in-clinic assessment, we can often propose effective solutions.
Do I have to have surgery?
No. We offer gold-standard non-surgical treatments. At Kensington Hair Clinic, we pride ourselves on being open, honest, reliable. So, whilst other clinics try to convince potential patients of the latest fads and expensive new supplements, we only offer scientifically-proven treatments. Then we monitor your progress carefully to ensure you’re receiving the best follow-up care.