Follicular unit
extraction (FUE)

Follicular unit extraction (FUE)
Our most-effective surgical treatment – Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Speak to us about what’s best for you.
See Adam’s hair transplant story and discover the difference it’s made for him.
How it works

FUE treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic. Then between 1000 and 3000 follicle units are carefully harvested and transplanted from your donor area (usually the back of your shaven head) to those parts of your scalp where you’d like more hair.
A 2,000 – 3,000 follicle procedure takes 8 – 10 hours. A procedure needing fewer graft can be completed in as little as 6 hours.
7-10 days after surgery, FUE scars fade dramatically. After 6-7 weeks, they’re usually fully healed and virtually undetectable.

FUE and you
Not everyone is suited to FUE, so we’ll carry out a full assessment to see if you are. If you are a suitable candidate but you’d prefer not to shave your head, speak to our consultants about unshaven FUE.
This takes a little longer in terms of the procedure, but the upside is that it enables a faster return to normal life – which could be beneficial for those who want to keep the procedure confidential.